Worst of all attitudes and you GOT IT ALL! Congratulations!

Here,I'm about to make to probably make this the POST OF THE YEAR. You know why? This post is specially dedicated to a bunch of siblings or shall I say a family who have got nothing but all bad attitude in them. Here, you are about to anticipate the REAL LIFE EVENTS of all WRONG ATTITUDE.

So here it goes, they have been training in this club longer than I do even though I am older than them because I only started when I was 14. They we quite nice to me when I first join the 'squad' and we became friends. Even then I did realize that 'the eldest' got a bit of attitude problem whenever she lost in a competition. I mean come on...we don't win all the time! There are of cause sometimes where we win and sometimes where we lose. Thats the game! Win or lose, we should always have good sportsmanship! There is where we improve the quality of the sports and also ourselves! Manners! Anyway back to the story. So then everything was still alright. Even when I was about to leave for my college, they told me....especially 'the eldest' told me that she will miss me a lot and her dad even told my dad that 'the eldest' is sad that I am leaving. Well, yeah...I don't train much anymore for eight months! 8 months!I can't take it anymore. I mean I am used to be active and suddenly no sports for me is like .........BORING!....so my parents asked around in KL for a place where I can continue my training so that I can keep up and not feeling so restless staying at home doing my assignments. Then guess what happened...? Just the second day of my class, my KL master asked me if I would want to participate in SUKMA! SUKMA! Thats like my dream! To be able to compete in a national competition! So then I answered my master with the 'shock expression' yeah,sure! That would be nice. Then at first he told me that I might represent Perlis (not my state) then I am like okayyyy. So one day,my friend and I went out on saturday to get our group assignments material and when I reached home in the evening I got a surprising called from my KL master telling me that I need to go for the selection TOMORROW! I panicked. I rushed. Packed my bag bought the earliest ticket back to Ipoh and next morning go for the selection when I have not been training for eight months. So yeah...I got the selection! I was selected!

This was where the 'problem' (not my problem,I didn't created any problem.Just them.I'm just trying to achieve my dreams) So yeah...they got to know that I got selected and my club were happy for me but not them. They start giving me cold shoulder. Especially 'the eldest'! Even the parents congratulate me,I can feel like its not sincere. You will know when someone is sincere. I worked very hard for it...coming back every weekend just to training with my heavy college schedule. Its not easy. Trust me. I am not bragging or trying to get anyone pity.Its never easy. And here they are giving me this attitude. I mean I am not a person who show off or brag! I am still the old me. I am not only representing myself and the state, I am representing my club too,OUR CLUB! Shouldn't you be at least a little happy for me? Why are you so jealous of me? Its not like you are even off age to join the competition! Well, I know you are the 'star' , 'the celebrity' of our club because you guys use to win for us but I'm just trying to achieve my dreams! And opportunity doesn't come twice. You gotta take it,work hard for it or leave it! I chose to work for it and finally I got a Bronze. My coaches never expect me to get any medal as I am an underdog and definitely LACK of training. So my Master (the main one who have been training me since I first started) congratulate me and told me he is proud and they never even talk to me. Never even a word of congratulate and they are even colder towards me (the eldest).

So yeah, then whenever we have small competition in Ipoh, 'the youngest' always asked me to coach her so did I. She's is okay. She listens but I think she is changing too due the influence of the eldest. Anyway,I don't care. You should know what is right and wrong! Then the latest competition, this is where THE JUICE OF THE STORY! The eldest was put into the wrong category, and by right she should inform the organizer of the competition but did not because her opponent kid and 'the eldest' thought that she could beat her easily,even her mom and SHE LOST! SHE LOST! And she smile when she shakes the opponent hand and I was like wow,she change for the better! Good! But I am wrong!SO WRONG! Just seconds she walk out of the ring and her mom hug her and the drama started! SHE CRY,SCREAM,YELL AND STOMP HER FEET IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! Her mom even join in! I mean that is so disrespectful and degrading! It also effect our club! We felt so embarrasses! Her 'possession' act is soooooooo good and powerful that could earn her AN OSCAR AWARD! NO JOKE! As I said earlier, she was put into wrong categories including the senior category and again she did not protest because this time because her opponent was a first timer (Never join any competition before from the same team as her previous opponent)and she thought she can beat her but SHE LOST! This time she didn't do any 'possession' because my master scolded her. But the thing is NEVER UNDERESTIMATE AND LOOK DOWN ON ANYONE! NEVER DO THAT!

Since that incident,things just got worst. They stop talking to me complete. My dad is the president and of cause actions should be taken for this bad attitude. And I guess they were given 'the talk' by my master which they aren't happy about it but you get what you deserve after that 'possession'. My dad sponsored the club t-shirt when we doesn't have any for two times and latest was the windbreaker. That one they need to buy from the club so that we have some income for the club for future usage and they still have yet to pay it and my dad are the one who said its okay. Give them sometime and yet they are so ungrateful to my dad. I mean we don't ask for anything in return but you treat us like this? This just show how low you are. Lower that any dirt in this world. Be ashamed of yourself. BE VERY ASHAMED!But I guess you guys will not because you guys don't have any good value in yourself! Guess what? The eldest ever 'unfriend' me in Facebook! WOW you seriously think so high of yourself huh? BITCH! If you think so high of yourself, why do you let two,NOT ONE. TWO guys touch all over you in public? You are only 15 and have this act in public! DON' YOU FEEL ASHAMED? URGHHHHH! And guess what the middle one does? He kissed a girl in public and that girl used to have a crush on him and he just take advantages on her! She cried! EHHH,HELLO! ISN'T THIS A SEXUAL HARASSMENT ALREADY? See la,mother is teacher (no matter what you work as but was just making a point) also don't know how the kids to behave! And their age is even younger than 15! Whatever your age it is, this should never happened! And yet think so freaking big of yourself when you don't even have a self respect (you think you do but you actually DON'T! DON'T)

This is the last part and this incident just happened last week. I was sick and I asked this boy not to kick so hard because I am not feeling well and the eldest bitch heard this and asked they cheer him to kick me harder. Well,I was appear to be pissed of but you think this could get to me? This is just an act bitch! You just for me fired up! I have left no respect,nothing for you an your family. You are lower than dirt in this world. Thats what you guys are to me. I FEEL NOTHING OTHER THAN YOU GUYS BEING LOWER THAN DIRT AND THIS WILL STAY FOREVER. I DO NOT FORGIVE AND FORGET ASSHOLES LIKE YOU PEOPLE! NO SELF RESPECT! DISRESPECTFUL TO OLDEST! NO SPORTSMANSHIP! RUDE! JEALOUS OF OTHER PEOPLE SUCCESS! If you want success, you need to earn it! This last one will prove that you are all I say above. I posted this in my Facebook status last week.

Just now there is a little boy feel down hard,injured his feet and his lips bleed. Guess what? You guys laugh! Wow! Imagine you are the one who fell and people laugh at you! You must be so happy right!? Bunch of heartless hyenas who have no respect for others! Please do feel PROUD of yourself for laughing at people! Taking up a high discipline sports but have no self discipline at all.


Au revoir! 


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