Bronze for a reason being away.

Alright, I've not been posting anything for the last couple of days because I was busy preparing for my National Taekwondo Championship. Its actually my first time and this is a great experience. Despite getting a bronze, I am unhappy with my performance. I am so much lack of experience. Therefore, joining competition will only earn me the experience that I really needed. To me, winning and losing isn't really a BIG matter but of coz everybody wants to win. Me too! But what really matters is you try your best,never give up and SPORTSMANSHIP! SPORTSMANSHIP!!!! Seriously! Thats the most important of all! Even if you lose badly, sportsmanship is what you must have! You can be a great fighter but if you are lack of that department, you can say goodbye to yourself. People will remember a person based on their sportsmanship even if you win or lose. You'll also gain popularity if you have a good sportsmanship even if you lose all the time. Now,don't get me wrong. I am not saying that losing is a good thing. I am just saying how important it is to have sportsmanship in any games you play.

Okay,back to my competition. This time I felt happy even I lost in the semis because 4 of my friends came to support me! David, Shaun, Tyca and her boyfriend Azrai! Thank you so much guys for coming over so far to support! I am sorry I couldn't do much to win. I really appreciate it. :D And also not forgetting everyone who have wish me good luck! And also thanks to Kak Wanie for coming over a day before. Miss you lots! I haven't been laughing like crazy for sometime already.haha. Yes,and I actually fracture my toe before the competition. So yeah..I can finally give it a rest after 3 weeks of pain.

Here are some of the pictures!

 With Nasirah. She got a Silver for her weight division and me with a bronze for my weight division. 
 My medal! :D
 My fracture toe! :'(
This just got worst after the competition! 


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