Sunday Sunday Sunday....

Well,today is Sunday and Sunday is pretty much an unproductive day for me and I always end up only having one meal a day. Bored and alone as usual and I end up doing grocery shopping and CAMWHORING! bored! Watched People Like Us while having my dinner. Its a nice movie. Its actually based on true events. Generally speaking its a family movie. Nice and heartfelt. You should watch it! :D

These are some of the things I did and ate today! LOL

First, I camwhore! Here's only ONE picture!

Happy Sunday face! -no one understands-

 Grocery Shopping! 

 Dinner movie date with myself! Nice movie though!

Dinner! BIG FEAST for ONE!

 Dessert after that! Big bowl of chocolate ice cream just the way I like it! 

Thats the sum of my sunday! Tata


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