Movie Review: 29 Febuari...Leap or fail?

Alright,I know I haven't been posting anything last few days and I'm sorry. I just got lazy. Hmmm. Anyway,I recently watch this malay film,29 Februari which is also the FIRST 3D production in Malaysia Film Industry. I gotta say that I like the storyline. Its kinda unique. Well, I think that they might have got the idea from the The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (to those who have yet to watch it,you should! Its a master piece!) Alright,back to 29 Febuari...I think its a LEAP-ingly good job to the Malaysia Film Industry. I mean,they have really done a good job on it. Although the make up is kinda bad for the last part but hey,its a good job! BRAVO!

Meanwhile,on whether its worth watching it 3D...? NAHHHH! This movie is 'too soft' or shall I say it....'slow paste' to be in 3D. So...yeah,its not advisable to watch it in 3D. AND I think they still have to work on their animation.Its kinda too fake. But trust me,I think malaysian film have really improve a lot and this storyline is really nice. 

Whether you are a chinese,indian,punjabi or any other should give this movie a try. 1Malaysia mah! haha


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