Blade Runner...a Master Piece?

Hmmm...Alright. I have been sick these few days and unable to blog. Sorry. Recently I've watch this movie called Blade Runner by Harrison Ford? Heard of that? Probably not! Because its release 1982! 1982! Even older than me but hey! Why not right?

Alright,I came across this movie because of one of my assignments anyway. There are 3 movies:
a) Blade Runner
b) Minority Report
c) Tron Legacy
and so happens I got Tron Legacy so I just focus on that movie until I have the time to watch others of if even want to watch it....according to my lecturer,who I shall not name (haha) these 3 movies are master piece! MASTER PIECE! That the reason why I watch Blade Runner to see how good that movie is...

So here are my review on Blade Runner....

It was just alright for me...a bit weird though but if you would have see it from the 1982 point of view,its awesome!...due to the special effect! But when you watch it in 2012...its just kinda...weird? If you watch would get what I mean..seriously! Other than that,the actors done a good job I must say! He is Harrison Ford! Who am I kidding right?! And I like the actress! Sean Young who play the lead female role. Her face is just soooo innocent from the beginning till the end! But there is one scene that I don't really like...that is when the 'intimate' (not really) scene of Rick Deckard (Harrison) and Rachael (Sean,yes!Its a woman here!). They are 'kissing'? I don't really know how to put this because from my point of view its like rape? Well,this is what happens...Rick kinda fall in love with Racheal and they kiss then Rachael was like pushing him away but he still forcing himself on her and this line!THIS LINE make me think that THIS.IS.RAPE! "Say kiss me,SAY IT!'' What the hell?! This is rape! Ain't anything romantic on this movie! But the girl stay with him anyway...! Well,I might not be precise on the line but its something like that. But overall...the movie is alright...I am alright with it. Not many bad comments on it...except that 'intimate', I called it RAPE scene and the murder scene where the murderer squish the victims head and puncture his eyes with his thumb.URGHHH.GROSSS!


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