summer seasons.

This summer went on four seasons for my emotion.
I can feel its coming to an end
but, I could be wrong.
I wish my feeling doesn't betray me this time.

It starts off as if the end of its tail.
But it got stormy and furious real quick.
That the snow falls hurts when it touches your skin like an ant bite.
The whole family was in town too.
Thunder, lightning, rain, etc.
It was an ugly winter but spring was eager to help.

Found me in a garden of beautiful, colourful flowers.
Each, I find its own different set of beauty
with pure excitement.
But flowers and excitement wilt.
Though adorations and exotic flowers
it's infatuating!

Adorations got me interested in details.
Fondness grew as time flew
Fascination growing attach, to these exotic flowers
But fear spark if this is just a time passer.
There is no date to the date the day the flower wilt.
Only time will tell.

You are here,
I don't know what is going on.
I fall deeper into you
somewhere in my heart strings, it's tearing ripping off.
I don't understand falling.
But things will eventually fall into place.

Summer has been a teacher of emotions.
Emotions taught me, as I realise now, life
The next phase of life, adulthood.
That's why I couldn't understand any of it.
It was new to me.
now I realise,
this was actually,
A welcome to adulthood.


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