No words can describe!

No words can describe how sorry I am for this long hiatus! For the pass three months I've been preparing for my Graduation and it was the only reason I've stop updating my blog. I was too busy and stress. I even stop my Taekwondo training! But it pays off! I've finally graduated! I GRADUATE! YAYYYY! TEEHEEE!!! It give me such an interesting learning pleasure...despite being stress and sleep deprive...its great! I got to learn so much! :D

GAAA..I dont know where to start! I have so much to talk about! Well I'll just start step by step shall I?,I've my portfolio and my own name card! YAY!!! Then I got to display my Final Project design in Fahrenheit! Another YAYYY! Well,it was a very stressful and tiring process! We have to set up in the mall at 10.30pm! WOW! Just as my friends and I thought we could make have the mall to ourselves after we are done with our display panels...WE ARE WRONG! There are so many problem! The irresponsible and stupid panel contractor gave us all WRONGLY SIZED PANELS!ITS SO MUCH SMALLER! What the hell? Why cant you just do a simple thing correctly? As many of us print our Final Project in a BANNER...we have to force ourselves to cut it smaller! Dude,you are the one who make the mistake...why do we have to cut it and fix the mistake for you? Have some responsibility and fix the damn problem! No one in the first place asked you to be so freaking stupid to take the wrong measurement! And you know what was the worst part?!?! The lady in charge doesn't seems to be sorry at all! She basically walked around with her freaking 4-6 inch high heels when everybody is busy working their ass off! At that moment I really feel like screaming in her face! URGHHH!!! Anyway, with all those problems we manage to fix the problem with the guidance of our lecturers which I am very thankful of! Thank you! On that day...I set a record for going back home ALONE at 4 am! WOW! I feel like a freaking SPARTA ZOMBIE! LOL

So I'll just stop here! I'll keep you anticipated for the next update which I will be talking about my graduation!!! YAYYY!! Getting excited to tell you all about it!!Here are some of the pictures! :D

ANDDDD! Not forgetting to those who have been by myself in the entire journey. I really appreciate it! Thanks a lot!

 Before the setting up! 

 Yeahhh,I love my sexy face! LOL

 My Panel! :D What do you think? :D

 My Portfolio! Teeheee!

My First ever Banner in production! 

 When its all set up with my friend her! WOOOHOOO!

 When my banner is on the way to the world! LOL. 

 Waiting for the idiots to arrive with the WRONG Panels.

 YAYYY. Me,the LOOKSEE Crew!

FINALLY! I present you my first ever name card! What do you think guys?


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