Alright,here is the post that I promise you guys. YES, I GRADUATED! Haha. It's was on the 21st of March held at JW MARRIOT. Before my 'walking the stage ceremony like a model' LOL, we have out Final Presentation in Mayang Sari (if I'm not wrong. LOL) Ballroom. It was quite nerve recking to be honest but I think I pull it thru not bad. The presentation was good overall and the judges praises me for the professional outfit I wore! Haha. I guess they notice that I am not the one who wear this kind of outfit. LOL. Anyway, I was pretty happy with my presentation! YAY!

Then after that, it was such a rush! Salaf accompany me to Time Square to get my you all know, I am not the one for heels! (pain in the ass if you ask me!) And we found the heels! I asked for a bigger size and guess what...they don't have a bigger size so instead of looking around for another pair...I try putting it on and it's fit alright so I got them. Then I went over to get my hair done. I wanted to shave the side of like Rihanna and it was pretty mainstream so instead of shaving the side...I braid it! And also, the day before, I highlighted my hair red again! YAY! I look like a ROCKSTAR! haha. *shine bright like a diamond*! I also did my nail for the first time! It's black and glittery. AGAIN *shine bright like a diamond*! haha.

We rush back to JW MARRIOT and I am happy that my friends say they like my style! Haha. OHHH NA NA. And also...that night I am know as the Malaysian Rihanna! Hahaha. Swag much! I was the first one to go up to the stage! Why me first?! -_- and David got me flowers! hehe. Thank you! :D My bestfriend, Tyca came to support me too! Thank you baby monster! :D Yeah,so everything went by as plan and a lot of pictures were taken! Such a memorable night! We end the night by having our breakfast/ lunch/ dinner at KFC! haha. Talking about it...I kinda miss having KFC now. LOL

Thanks again to everyone who have supported me and be there for me when I am feeling down! It means a lot to me! I really appreciate it. I couldn't thank you guys enough. A hearthful thanks to my family, Tyca, Rena, Shaun, Salaf, David, Pui Yee, and my course mate who have given me the support.

Here are the pictures! :D

 My family! <3 My brother, Brian got 9 A's for his SPM! So proud of him!


My bestie Tyca! Thank you for always being there to support me! <3

I got everything I've plan for! I am wearing the leather jacket! I feel like a badass!


Vilia! My first Indonesian friend!

DAVIDDDDDD! First french friend. *tongue twister?*

The professional outfit with the bright red hair!

 On the stage together with the lectures! Thank you for all your guidance!
Lookman, the always professional guy! *Bruno Mars of the night* 

 Me being silly with my portfolio,why am I not surprise? LOL
 Avinash!!! Cool dude! 
 Again, with the guy who make me wear dress for all the occasion! Mr Ramesh, my lecturer!

Shine bright like a diamond baby!

With Lydia! <3

Lydia with us....the Bruno Mars and Rihanna, Malaysia version of the night

With my junior,Shirley! Thank you for coming!

With my junior, Yushiko, miss PINK! Thank you for coming!

Eugene! Will miss you when you got to Taiwan!

Yeahhh,ROCK IT!

With Michele! She's so tall, how I wish I am that tall!

With Carson, hey!  We IPOH MALI!

The most fashionable girl in my class! Nasim! 


With Josh!....well....LOL

SALAFFFF! Why you looking so sad? Haha

LOL. She is going to scream at me!haha

Lookman look so tired. 

Getting my 'make believe scroll'. 


With my deskie, Reina! Going to miss her craziness and lectures about........! LOL

We'll be back for more! *wink*

The flowers from David! Thanks <3

GAAA! I love this picture! Meet the new President,Ken and the Vice President,me for the IDEAS Club!


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